
Monday, September 5, 2016

Our Tiny Tale

There are so many reasons everyday to be thankful. Some days we grasp every opportunity to give thanks and other days we allow these opportunities to pass us by. Now I am not just talking about the good situations, but as well those situations that in the moment do not always bring us to our knees in gratitude.

About two years ago, after freshly moving to Switzerland, enrolling myself in a German class, and beginning to really plant my roots here, I was experiencing some serious stomach pains. I waited to see if the pain would go away since I could, for the most part, bare it. Long story short, it did not. So my husband took me in to the hospital, since I was not yet signed up at a general practitioner’s or a gynecologist’s office. 

The doctor at the hospital told me, “I have great news for you two, you’re pregnant!” We both cried, one tears of joy and the other tears of uncertainty. Those who know us well, can well guess who was who. But the pain was still there and is ultimately abnormal in early pregnancy.

They took me for an ultrasound, where they discovered that I not only had an eptopic pregnancy, where the baby had aborted itself into a ruptured blood vessel, but due to that I also had been experiencing, for about a week, internal bleeding. I passed out of the table and started to bleed, which then lead the physicians to rush me into the OR due to the amount of blood that I was losing.

Everything went as planned, they told me. I experienced minimal damage and they estimated a fairly quick recovery time.

It really was a miracle for us. If I had gone to a gynecologist office or a general practitioner, I would be dead. I would’ve lost too much blood before they could have operated on me. God saved my life that day and left us with gratitude in our hearts.

Now fast forward a few months. I finally sign up at the gynecologist office and after the first check up, he tells me, “ I am sorry to say, but due to the scar tissue from your surgery, you may never be able to bear children.”

Abraham and I were shook up. Why did this happen and how could it happen? We knew our lives belong to God and he is the giver of children. We try our best to honor Him with all that we do, why wouldn’t he want to gift us with children for our lives?

After our questions, prayers, and conversations together and with God about this whole situation, we received a deep peace. “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) That’s what we believed. He is God and He has EVERYTHING under control. All the finer details of our lives, He’s got it.

So we went on living life, giving thanks for even this situation and allowing God’s timing and will for our lives to take dominion of our lives.

And that it did. We grew deeper together in trusting in the unknown, with the knowledge that this world is fleeting before our eyes. We grew in the peace of understanding that we may never have children of our own genetic make up and ultimately we grew in a deeper love for our good, good father.

A year and a half later, I was busy traveling around Switzerland with a girlfriend of mine, full of joy and excitement, when Abraham had encouraged me to take a pregnancy test. And so I did, understanding that all things are possible with God, but also not living with the expectation of anything.

Sure enough, it was positive. A miracle. A gift from God, truly! Now, almost 4 months pregnant, happy and healthy as can be. God’s timing is perfect. He sometimes needs to take us through trails, challenges, situations, to grow us in endurance and strength, but He is good and always good.

We will welcome our baby bean into the world, early next spring and each day we grow in excitement to get to meet this new life that God has given to us.