Hello fellow readers,
I am happy to say after encouragement from friends, family, and even strangers I am back at it.
Writing about the beautiful ways in which I encounter pieces of heaven in my daily grind.
The past two months, I feel as if I was on a roller coast ride looping through what we call life.
SO MANY great things have happened. I am looking forward to explaining them to y’all!
Let me just begin by giving a praise to God. He’s the almighty, the alpha and omega. He truly knows our hearts, to the very last detail. Amazing.
Now before I had taken this little writing break, I had said that I was coming out of a fairly intense time of learning, processing and most of all growing.
During this time I hit a point, where I said in all honesty to my husband, “Abraham I feel like I am giving everything to God I am sacrificing my own wants and desires to follow Him and I just feel like I am forgotten.”
Those who know me personally, know that this is not a normal statement that would come out of my mouth. God is good, no matter what…period. Regardless of the hardships, he has EVERYTHING under control. So what lead me to say this?
Well ultimately the answer is an unthankful heart, but in this moment I could’ve listed one million reasons of how life just hasn’t quite turned out as expected.
So I gave my situation to God in prayer. Just spoke out my heart—the good, the bad, and the ugly. While I received the freedom that comes from openly speaking this out, I remembered,
“Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4)
This verse changed my prayers. It’s amazing really. By simply taking delight in Him my desires seemed to change from what I do not have to simply what I long for.
This change, although small, had an impact on my heart. When I focus on where I am lacking, I am already setting myself up for a mental failure and an unthankful heart.
When I focus on what the Word says is true for those who delight in Him and how well He means for those who love him, I am focusing on miracles, heaven on earth, and a positive future. My heart becomes thankful and encouraged for what is to come!
Now let me tell you a few ways of how God answered. How He heard the deep desires of my heart, the majority of these desires I did not even bother to speak out.
He gave me the opportunity to meet the newest little addition to my family while enjoying a wonderful vacation with the rest of my family.
He sent one of my dearest friends from the states to visit me for two weeks. Where we just talked, traveled, drank coffee, talked some more and simply rested in the joy of being together.
He just so happened to plan an event in Zurich that one of my closest college friends will be planning! Which means we will have 5 days after her event to travel to the beautiful country of France for our stay in Paris.
He gave my husband and I the opportunity to take a trip to the beautiful island of Mauritius, where we will work a conference and help out a local church there. Afterwards we have an additional 7-day stay on the island—with everything paid!
Now last, but certainly not least. I have been given the opportunity to encourage, be encouraged, love, be loved, guide, be guided, be a witness, witness, and celebrate all for the glory of His kingdom!
God is so good—with or without the gifts, the trips, the opportunities, the money.
He hears us and knows the desires of our heart. He is a good father, who means well for us. I encourage all of you to know that where you are, you are so deeply loved, you are not forgotten and you have a father that means deeply good for you, independent from your worldly circumstances!
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