
Friday, January 13, 2017

Skillful Seeing

One of my favorite stories from my childhood is about the time I learned how to ride a bike.
After I slowly started to get the hang of it, my dad took me around the block, following close by to help me up when I fall and to give me a push, when I was ready to start again.
The second turn around the corner of the block, I took a bit too widely and hit a tree that was in between the street and sidewalk.
After falling my dad asked me if I was okay.
I looked up at him and said, "Yes! This tree saved my life dad!"
And he replied saying, "Jeanna what are you talking about?"
Excited and all, knowing that I was still alive with only bumps and bruises, I answered, "If this tree wasn't here, than I would have gotten hit by that car."
Perspective my friends
It changes everything.
Of course it is always good to see the good in every situation, but what I find even more crucial is the ability to see the bigger picture.
If I was not able to see the bigger picture as I crashed into the tree, the situation could have turned bitter, frustrating, or discouraging.
Instead, it was a situation full of gratitude.
Gratitude is in the eyes of the beholder.
How we see effects how we live.
If we have the ability to see the trees in our lives that prevent us from a car crash, than we will live our lives out from a place of gratitude.
A heart full of gratitude changes moments, days, years and even lives.
CS Lewis writes, "Looking always comes first." (The Great Divorce)
How we look, how we see, effects the reaction of our hearts and if our hearts are full of gratitude, love, joy, we will speak and react in such a way.
"The words you speak come from the heart." (Matthew 15:18)
This is a deep desire for my life.
To be able to see the trees that stand in the way of the cars and to give thanks, always.
To give thanks during the confusion, the joy, the pain, and the good.
For I know, I have a good, good Father.
Who is ALWAYS good, it is only my sight that could be bad.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Vision Vitality

My husband and I took a little trip to spend some days resting and reflecting upon 2016 and to formulate dreams and goals for 2017. 
We read, prayed, traveled, ate, drank, laughed, and most importantly we spent time just being. 
It was delightful.
During one of the afternoons that we spent at the hotel, we sat down and shared what we envision for 2017. 
One of the challenges that I gave myself is to write more.
I've missed writing blogs and I have been encouraged and asked by many, why haven't you written? 
So it brought me to question myself...Why? 

Why did you stop writing Jeanna?

Of course, it was a busy season, I mean a baby on the way, working 3 different jobs, taking care of a household, etc. 
But those are no excuses. 
What this question lead me to believe, is that I stopped writing due to the lack of vision. 
Where there is no vision, people perish (Proverbs 29:18). 
Humans need vision to sustain life. 
Vision is life giving and no great movement or act in history was performed without a strong vision behind it. 
Vision gives meaning and gives us sight to what others may be incapable to see. 
It helps us create and it helps us dream.
It gives us the strength to choose a different way, rather than following down the path of least resistance, which our culture often tells us is the way to go.
Vision gives us a reason to avoid slipping into comfort in this world and encourages us to make the hard, life changing decisions. 
If we want to be successful at anything in life, regardless of what it might be. 
Career related, health related, faith related, relational, or financial.
We need vision. 
We cannot simply live so near-sighted.
Foresight, oversight, and insight are essential to our dreams, goals, and vision.

So now for those of you who believe in an eternal life to come, you already have a vision for your life. You know where you are going and chances are you know how to get there. All you need to do to equip yourself is to find out what your goals or stepping stones in this life are to accomplish the will over your life. How wonderful is that?! 

So I encourage you, develop foresight, maintain a good oversight, and always keep insight on your life and your vision for your life. 
Just as I will for this sweet little blog of mine:) 

May this year be your best year yet!